Sunday, June 5, 2011

Style Q&A Mikey Da Roza

This month's Avenue magazine cover features the Style Q&A I styled with  the owner and DJ from Habitat Living Sound, Mikey Da Roza!  This was really fun for me because not only is Mikey super cool but he has a LOT of clothes! It was so fun to go through a guy's closet and put together looks for him, some of which he hasn't worn in a while. He had some really great patterns and such fun colors that I couldn't resist them. Especially since we were shooting in the evening and night you need items that will punch through the darkness. We shot in and around the Connaught area of Calgary where Mikey's bar is. The art Director Mason Hastie and Jared Sych did a brilliant job as usual with the pics and I love it when I get to work with them, it is ALWAYS a super fun time. It was really cold when we shot this but we were lucky to have no snow or rain and I think Mikey did a great job looking like he wasn't freezing!

Check out the whole interview in Avenue Magazine and you can see all the photos on my facebook page.

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